By Sean Cameron. 

Freedom. Something as a child you endlessly chase, yet as you grow older life gets busy, full of distractions that pull you away from longing that feeling.  But somewhere deep within, a little flame continues to burn just waiting for the right fuel to ignite it. For me, that fuel is adventure.

One of my favorite ways to escape reality is fly fishing. There is something so peaceful and calming about it, forcing you to focus on the moment. Not dwelling on what happened yesterday, or what will happen tomorrow. It’s just you, nature, and the water at the end of your fly rod.

Using ebikes as a tool for fly fishing is the perfect pairing. You get the benefits of fast and efficient travel, combined with the calmness that is fishing. Benno bikes specifically allow for the ability to easily carry all the necessary gear for the day but not overdo it with a big cumbersome cargo bike. This allows for a fun ride between fishing spots and the ease of maneuvering bikes down pathways to access the river. After all, a good tool should be effective but also easy to use.

This specific river has a trail running along it so the bikes allow us to easily reach spots that can be tough to get to on foot.  There are some long stretches between vehicle access points so you can fish many remote spots throughout the day and get away from the busy areas, resulting in more fish in the net.

We scouted spots on satellite images ahead of time and put together a rough plan for the day, then loaded up the bikes and headed out riding early in the morning.  The fishing was tough at first but we kept moving down the river and trying new locations until we found some areas where we saw fishing feeding. To our surprise, the best fishing spots were not the ones we had planned to target.

Covering a lot of ground on bikes opened up the opportunity for an amazing day on the river. Lots of fish, lots of laughs. With the fast paced speed of life these days, it’s important to remember to slow down and enjoy the views. Another memorable day spent on the water with good friends.

Lean more about the bikes in this video:  

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Video: Thinkfarm Productions  | Photos: Tamarack Media | Words: Sean Cameron

We would like to acknowledge that these photos were taken on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Sn̓ʕaýckstx (Sinixt) people.

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